2nd Amino Acid Academy

The value of amino acids for sustainable animal farming

21st and 22nd October 2021

Grand Amphitheatre of the National Museum of Natural History - Paris, France

If you registered to the virtual event, you can see the recordings from here:

Thursday 21st October

8h30 – 9h00


9h00 – 9h15


9h15 – 9h45

Michel Biero (Purchasing and Marketing Director of Lidl France)

Session 1: Tackling environmental challenges of livestock with protein and amino acid nutrition

chaired by Florence Garcia-Launay, INRAE

9h45 – 10h30

10h30 – 11h00

Coffee break

11h00 – 11h45

11h45- 12h30

12h30 – 13h00

Discussion time

13h00 – 14h30


Session 2: The role of amino acids in animal health challenges

chaired by Paolo Trevisi, University of Bologna

14h30 – 15h15

15h15 – 16h00

16h00 – 16h30

Coffee break

16h30 – 17h15

17h15 – 17h45

Discussion time

20h00 – 23h30

Gala dinner

Friday 22nd October

Session 3: Towards low protein diets, the need for a holistic nutritional approach

chaired by Jaap van Milgen, INRAE

9h30 – 10h15

10h15 – 11h00

11h00 – 11h30

Coffee break

11h30 – 12h15

12h15 – 12h30

Discussion time


Grand Amphitheatre of the National Museum of Natural History

The 2nd Amino Acid Academy will be held in Paris at the Grand Amphitheatre of the National Museum of Natural History, the same prestigious location as for the 1st edition of the Academy. Access to the Grand Amphitheatre is through the Jardin des Plantes in 40 rue Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 75005, Paris.


There are plenty of hotels in the area close to the National Museum of Natural History. We recommend the following:

Best Western Plus La Demeure Hotel

51 Boulevard Saint Marcel, 75005, Paris

400 m walking distance

Hotel website

Hotel Henriette

9 rue des Gobelins, 75013, Paris

900 m walking distance

Hotel website

Hotel Devillas Paris

4 Boulevard Saint Marcel, 75005, Paris

700 m walking distance

Hotel website

Gala dinner

On Thursday 21st October, a gala dinner will be organized inside the museum, at the unique and fascinating Gallery of Evolution (Grande Galerie de l’Évolution). Participants will be able to admire the permanent exhibition that displays thousands of specimens describing the extraordinary story of the evolution of life on Earth.


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Michel Biero

Michel Biero has been the Purchasing Executive Director of Lidl France for the last 10 years. With a background of Tourism studies, he started his career in luxury hotels and was hotel Director in Argentina before coming back in France. He entered Lidl France in 2001 as a supermarket manager and started his career of buyer in the company 3 years later. In 2012, he was one of the Executive Director who led Lidl France out of the Hard discount pattern. In his daily work, Michel Biero is committed to prepare the social and environmental transition with farmers and NGOs, by considering their matters, to improve our way of consuming. That is why Lidl is initiating pilot projects with their partners. Particularly, Lidl initiated, thanks to Michel Biero, the working group to substitute soy in animal feed for more local protein sources, either from plant origin or provided through amino acids.

Florence Garcia-Launay

Florence Garcia-Launay is researcher in the “Pig Farming System” research group of PEGASE Research Unit at INRAE, located in Saint-Gilles (Brittany, France). She graduated in biological systems analysis and modelling from Lyon 1 University and obtained her PhD from AgroParisTech Paris on the analysis of sheep grazing behaviour. She joined INRA in 2004 and developed research, models and tools dedicated to beef production until 2011. Within PEGASE Research Unit since 2012, she develops models and tools to investigate innovative strategies and to support decision for improved environmental and economic performances of pig production systems. She contributed recently to the French EcoAlim project and the H2020 Feed-A-Gene project. She is author or co-author of about 40 peer-reviewed papers, 9 book chapters and 120 contributions to national and international scientific congresses.

Paolo Trevisi

Since 2014 Paolo TREVISI is Associate Professor in Animal Science at the Department of Agricultural and Food Science of Bologna University, Unit of Animal Husbandry. Vice president of the EAAP Pig Study Commission; member of the STAR-IDAZ initiative to develop a global research agenda on the development of alternatives to antibiotics and since 2021 Associate Editor for Italian Journal of Animal Science. Currently, his research is focused to study the mechanisms involved in the maturation of the gut during suckling and weaning in pig to improve the resistance of the animals against infections. This includes the role of nutrients as well as microbiota with attention on the factors related with its modulation. His research is also focused to study dietary interventions alternative to antimicrobials for piglets.

Jaap van Milgen

Jaap van Milgen obtained a PhD degree from the University of Illinois in animal science in 1991 after which he joined INRAE. He worked on the nutritional modeling of growth in pigs, which resulted in the development of the InraPorc software tool. He also developed an extensive research program of energy and amino acid nutrition using experimental and modeling methods. From 2015 to 2020, he coordinated the Horizon 2020 Feed-a-Gene project (www.feed-a-gene.eu). The objective of Feed-a-Gene was to adapt the feed, the animal, and the feeding techniques to improve the efficiency and sustainability of monogastric livestock production systems. Since 2021, he has been coordinating PIGWEB (www.pigweb.eu), which is a Horizon 2020 infrastructure project for experimental research for sustainable pig production. In 2021, he received the Leroy Fellowship Award from the EAAP.

Ermias Kebreab

Dr. Ermias Kebreab is Associate Dean of Global Engagement and Director of World Food Center at University of California, Davis. He also holds the Sesnon Endowed Chair in Sustainable Agriculture. He conducts research in nutrition modeling and impact of livestock on the environment. He is contributing author to 2019 IPCC update, and chairs the methane committee of UN FAO. He has authored over 250 peer-reviewed articles and over 150 invited presentations globally. He received several awards including Excellence in Ruminant Nutrition and International Agriculture from American Society of Animal Science and Young Scientist Award from Canadian Society of Animal Science. Dr. Kebreab received BSc from University of Asmara, Eritrea, MSc and Ph.D. from University of Reading, UK.

Jean-Yves Dourmad

Jean-Yves Dourmad is senior researcher in the “Pig Farming System” research group of PEGASE Research Unit at INRAE, located in Saint-Gilles (Brittany, France). He was born on a small pig and dairy farm in West Brittany. He graduated from AgroParisTech Paris were his obtained his PhD on the modelling of sow nutrition over the reproductive cycle. He joined INRA in 1983 where he conducted, with his colleagues Michel Etienne and Jean Noblet, a research program on energy and protein nutrition of sows. In 1990 he initiated a new research program on the evaluation and reduction of the environmental impacts of pig production systems, through nutritional approaches (protein and minerals). His research is based on both experimental and modelling approaches. He is author or co-author of about 220 peer-reviewed papers, 25 book chapters and 300 contributions to national and international scientific congresses. He is co-authors of three software and coordinated the development of the sow module of InraPorc© decision support tool.

Sandrine Espagnol

Agricultural engineer, Environmental issues


  • Environmental assessment (case studies by expertise, life cycle assessment, modelling)
  • Database production (gaseous emissions factors, environmental impacts of livestock inputs)
  • Codesign of future pig farms
  • Gaseous emissions measurements (ammonia, greenhouse gases)

Since May 2002 (19 years)

Environmental engineer at IFIP French institute for pig and pork industry, Rennes, FRANCE.

  • Facilitator of a national network on livestock and environment
  • Projects construction: search for financing, response to call for projects, projects leading, implementation phases of the project, valorization of the results, training.

10 projects of three years led.

  • Acquisition of references on gaseous emissions
    • Design of a measuring devices
    • Different of manure management units studied: storage of slurry and solid manure, covered and uncovered storage, spreading
    • Construction of a national database with gaseous emissions factors published
    • Dynamic modelling of gaseous emissions
  • Acquisition of references concerning the environmental impacts of pig farms
    • Assessment of different pig productions: organic and conventional production, current and future pig farms, different feeding strategies, different manure managements
    • Different scales studied: pig unit, farm, pig production life cycle, territory approaches
  • Building of a tool for farmers (GEEP) to assess the environmental performances of pig units.
Luc A. Cynober

Luc A. Cynober, PhD, Pharm.D is head of the Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Cochin Hospital, Paris, and is Professor of Nutrition at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University Paris Descartes, France. Dr Cynober obtained his Pharm.D degree in 1979 from the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Paris XI. In 1985, he received his PhD in Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences from the same university.
Dr Cynober is a member of the European Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ESPEN), American Nutrition Society, American Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, among others. He served from 1992 to 2000 as officer in the executive committee of ESPEN, and from 2001 to 2005 as chairman of the French-Speaking Society of Nutrition and Metabolism. In the years 1987–1992 he served as editor-in-chief of Nutrition Clinique & Métabolisme. He is Editor-in-Chief of Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition since 1998.
Among other awards, he has received the Pharmacy Academy Award for his PhD thesis and the International Research Award of the French Society of Clinical Biology. Dr Cynober has presented over 100 invited lectures at international and national meetings. He has published more than 250 original research papers and more than 100 review papers. He is the editor of a book dealing with amino acids metabolism and therapy in clinical nutrition (published by CRC Press). His current major research interests relate to amino acid metabolism and therapy in health and diseases.

Tristan Chalvon Demersay

Tristan Chalvon Demersay (m) is an Innovation and New Products Manager at METEX NOOVISTAGO. He is graduated from AgroParisTech (2013) and has a PhD in physiology and human nutrition (2016) from Université Paris-Saclay. He started to work in METEX NOOVISTAGO in 2017 and spent two years in the research laboratories of Ajinomoto in Japan. There, he reinforced his knowledge on the functional roles of amino acids both in human and animal nutrition. He is now responsible for the development of new products based on functional amino acids and ingredients to tackle problematics in monogastric animals.

Martin Beaumont

Martin Beaumont performed his doctoral research on the effects of high protein diets and bacterial metabolites derived from amino acids on gut health, in the group of François Blachier at INRAE-AgroParisTech (Paris). In 2017, he joined the research group of Nathalie Delzenne at UCLouvain (Brussels) and focused his postdoctoral research on the hepatic effects of indole, a metabolite produced by the gut microbiota from tryptophan. Since 2018, he is researcher at INRAE-GenPhySE (Toulouse). By using a combination of omics technologies and intestinal organoid cultures in vitro, he studies the role of gut microbiota-derived metabolites on epithelial barrier function in young mammals.

Marie-Pierre Létourneau Montminy

Marie-Pierre Letourneau Montminy earned her MSc at AgroParisTech in Paris. She then graduated from both AgroParisTech and Laval University for PhD studying calcium and phosphorus metabolism in growing pigs and broilers using modeling and meta-analysis approaches. She then completed a post-doctoral internship on precision feeding in pigs at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. She then builds a research chair with several partners on Alternative feeding strategies in pig and poultry in a context of sustainability in Laval University where she now holds an associate Professor position. Her main research focus is on producing sustainable animal protein especially optimizing the utilization of P and N in pig and poultry by understanding and quantifying the impact of factors related to the diet and to the animal through animal trial, meta-analysis and modelling to help formulating eco-friendly, healthier and low cost diet. She received the award for the best PhD in animal science in France (AFZ) and the National Pork Board Award at the Midwest Meeting of ASAS for her post-doctoral studies. She recently held a Canada Research Chair Tier 2 on Production of sustainable animal protein.

Sonia Liu

Dr Sonia Liu is a Senior Lecturer specialized in poultry nutrition at the University of Sydney. Her current research interests include digestive dynamics of nutrients, nutritional geometry, sorghum in poultry diet, reduced protein diets and layer nutrition. Sonia has more than 100 scientific communications including more than 60 papers published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. She was the recipient of 2019 Australia Research Council Discovery Early Career Researcher Award and 2015 Australian Science and Innovation Award for Young People in Agriculture. She also serves as co-Editor-in-Chief for Animal Feed Science and Technology.

Sonja de Vries

I obtained my BSc and MSc degrees in Animal Sciences and PhD degree in Animal Nutrition at Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands. My PhD research focused on the degradation of fibres in pigs and poultry, with special emphasis on processing and enzyme technologies to improve the nutritional value of Dried Distillers Grains with Solubles (DDGS) and rapeseed meal; two agricultural by-products that are widely used as animal feed ingredients. Since then, I have been working on the nutritional characterization of fibre-rich ingredients and our understanding of their fate in the digestive tract of animals, with the aim to increase the use of agricultural by-products in animal feed. First at the Ingredient Research Centre of Trouw Nutrition R&D and since 2015 as Assistant and later Associate Professor at the Animal Nutrition Group of Wageningen University. I lead research projects and teach topics in the field of quantitative nutrition of monogastric animals, digestion kinetics, processing and enzyme technologies, and nutritional modelling, with special emphasis on dietary fibres and fibrerich ingredients. My research ambition is to understand the complexity of digestive processes in the animal and apply this knowledge to predict and improve the nutritional value of animal feed, ultimately aiming for sustainable and competitive use of feed resources without compromising animal performance and health. Currently, I am involved in several multidisciplinary projects, focusing at the challenges we face with the shift in feed resources and the increased fibre level of diets in circular agriculture; from pelleting technology to nutrient utilization and gut health. In 2017 I have been awarded a personal Veni grant from the Dutch Research Council (NWO) to study fundamental principles of the effects of fibres on digestive physiology in chickens, to better understand how chickens cope with fibre-rich by-products and identify